Here at the TeamLuke Foundation we understand the importance of funding research so we will find and fund the very best research there is.

At the TeamLuke Foundation, we are committed to raising awareness of neuroblastoma, a rare and aggressive childhood cancer that affects the nervous system. We recognise that funding research is crucial to improving the outcomes for children with neuroblastoma. To achieve this goal, we allocate our resources towards identifying and funding the very best research in the field.

We collaborate with leading researchers and medical institutions to support innovative approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and care for children with neuroblastoma. We believe that our investment in research will not only improve survival rates but also enhance the quality of life for children and families affected by this devastating disease. Our efforts in funding research projects are driven by our mission to find a cure for neuroblastoma and to ensure that no child suffers from this illness in the future.

Research & Funding

Help the cause!

Through collaboration with the world-reowned Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), our foundation drives impactful projects that aim to make a difference in the fight against cancer. 

With your generous support, we can amplify our efforts and achieve even greater results. Join us in this critical mission and help us make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by cancer.